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• IMPACT conducts research in the Northern pastoral communities of Kenya with the aim of documenting indigenous communities' knowledge, culture, and history to preserve it for future generations. This information also assists other organizations in building indigenous grassroots movements and sets the right pace for all projects that are relevant to the needs of the community. 


• Information is preserved in films, books, and research papers or reports, and knowledge is disseminated through the replay of the documentaries in media houses, cinemas and through the distribution of books and reports.

IMPACT partners with both local and international researchers and students to carry out this research. IMPACT not only hosts the researchers and provides them with logistical support to implement their studies but also introduces these researchers to the local community and assists them in translation.

• IMPACT aims to create a community-based learning approach between local and international universities and has been facilitating an exchange learning program for easier exchange of knowledge between learners. This assists students through their interactions to broaden their understanding of their study areas. These reports also help the organization to best understand differences in culture and their ways of life.

• IMPACT has already worked with a number of researchers studying specific areas in Northern Kenya. We host two students from McGill University once every year as they do their internship. We have also worked with lecturers from McGill University from the research department who include Professor Galaty and Professor Pollini in conducting studies on resource-based conflicts in Laikipia and Samburu. These reports are out and can be accessed from the McGill University website. IMPACT is also partnering with Dr. Brock Bersaglio and Dr. Charis from Sheffield University in the UK and Dr. Alex Awiti from Agha-Khan University in Kenya to carry out research on LAPSSET along the LAPSSET corridor in Kenya.

IMPACT collaborated with McGill University to conduct a research study around Kipsing’, Wamba and Merti and created a short documentary of two of the scoping studies conducted.

IMPACT collaborated with the University of Sheffield to complete fieldwork for the Human-Wildlife Conflicts study in Il Ngwesi Community Land, formerly known as the Il Ngwesi Group Ranch.

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