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The project will built the foundation of locally led Integrated Climate risk management and landscape resilience that can be scaled up and replicated to other communities as a contribution towards increasing tree cover as projected nationally.  Involving stakeholders and beneficiaries in activities and building the capacities of the communities in sustainable forest management, Community based Natural Resources Management, integrated climate risk management and wildlife conservation will contribute to biodiversity conservation and support sustainable livelihoods through development of viable land use plans. Grassroot communities will be at the forefront in taking actions on mitigation and adaptation building resilient ecosystems.

The project primarily targets the Il Ng’wesi community who are predominantly pastoralists and hunter-gatherers. They live on the eastern lowlands of Mukogodo East Ward and along with the fridges of Mukogodo forest respectively. The project seeks to reach and work with the target groups and beneciaries through the existing structures such as the Community Forest Associations (CFAs), Water Resource Users Associations (WRUAs), Kenya Forest Services and the County Government of Laikipia. Since the target groups belong to these structures they will participate as part of the project implementation unit in decision-making processes and carrying out activities like tree planting.


We are working to ensure at the end of the project :

100 ha of previously degraded forest is replanted

150 community members are trained on improved natural resource management

200 Community members have small Nature-based products enterprises established

2000 Community members of whom 50% will be women are reached

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